Ventica® System

Home asthma diagnostics and monitoring for young children
A new paradigm for the assessment and management of asthma. The Ventica system provides physicians with a reliable, quantitative assessment of asthmatic children aged 5 years and younger. Using the Ventica Recorder at home requires just a few, easy steps, which can be easily performed by the parents.

Measurement is comfortable for the child as Ventica®’s measurements are made non-intrusively while the child is asleep. Proprietary algorithms analyze a child’s breathing data, to allow for a reliable determination of their Expiratory Variability Index – EVI.

  • Comfortable for young children
  • Home measurement
  • Reliable quantitative result

Pediatric lung function testing

Lung function testing is the cornerstone of both the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma. Measurement of peak flow rate and spirometry are well-established techniques for older children and adults. They are seldom suitable for young children due to the need for collaboration during the measurement.

Ventica enables routine testing of lung function in small children for the first time. Even better, measurements are done overnight while the child is asleep at home – under parental supervision and guidance. Ventica lung function test has been validated for children aged five years and younger. Ventica is a reliable method for pediatric lung function testing, with a measurement success rate demonstrated to be 90%.

Why use Ventica system for your younger patients

Helps ensure that the child’s asthma is brought under control
Routine use of the Ventica System can help you to keep the asthma under control and alert you to a worsening of the asthma or other deterioration in lung function.

Modifying or stopping treatment
When complemented by other clinical and diagnostic assessments, Ventica can offer you an indication of changes in child’s asthma allowing for early intervention and modification of the treatment level, up to a potential treatment stop based on an objective measurement of lung function.

Diagnosing paediatric asthma
Ventica offers quantitative objective data to support the asthma diagnosis, when complemented by other clinical and diagnostic assessments.

Ventica calculates variability in night-time tidal breathing

Ventica lung function testing is based on a novel application of impedance pneumography indirectly measuring lung volume and derived flow-volume loop profiles using a non-intrusive chest electrode configuration.

The Ventica software analyzes the variability in the shape of the flow-volume curves during tidal breathing. Only data recorded from periods of restful sleep is used. The final result of the analysis is the child’s Expiratory Variability Index (EVI).

A child’s EVI is associated with bronchial obstruction and helps in solving the medication dilemma. Importantly, the child’s EVI reflects their natural “real- life” condition, as no external provocation is involved.

Allowing frequent nightly measurements, Ventica EVI results can reveal if a child has recurring bronchial obstructions (low EVI), indicating recurrent wheeze or asthma. Likewise, for healthy children, EVI varies within the normal range.

EVI - Expiratory variability index

Proprietary analysis of a child’s whole-night respiration data allows the Ventica System to report a child’s Expiration Variability Index, EVI. A bar chart displays how the child’s EVI compares to reference indices obtained from healthy control subjects. The bar chart uses an easy-to-interprete traffic light color scheme, with a numeric reference scale.

EVI describes the amount of variability between individual expirations of a child during a full night’s sleep. Children with a high risk of persistent asthma have been reported to have EVI values lower than 13, an index range that clearly falls into the lower, red section of the bar chart. Children at a lower risk of asthma, or those using correct medication for asthma control, exhibit EVI values of 14 or higher, an index range that falls into the upper, green area of the bar chart. The Ventica EVI result should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical and diagnostic assessments.

EVI is based on calculating correlations between the initial stages of the expiratory flow-volume curves recorded during the child’s entire night’s sleep. The Ventica analysis results in a large number of curve correlation values. The child’s reported EVI is derived from the range of these correlation values, statistically the inter-quartile range of the calculated correlations. Therefore, a low EVI indicates a lack of variability in breathing, a condition associated with airway obstruction and asthma.

Reliable EVI calculation based on sophisticated artefact-detection and filtering

When calculating a child’s EVI, the Ventica Analytics software only uses raw data recorded from periods of restful sleep. Periods of restless movement, coughing or crying, for example, are filtered out of the full night’s dataset by sophisticated artefact-detection algorithms.

Ventica Recorder
The miniature Ventica Recorder is a battery-operated device for recording and storing the impedance data acquired from the chest electrodes. After night-time recordings, the parents return the device to the clinic for data transfer, automated data analysis, and clinical interpretation.

Ventica Analytics Software
The Ventica Analytics Software is designed for use by trained healthcare professionals. Intuitive and easy-to-learn, the software is used to control the Ventica Recorder, analyze the data and manage patient records. Although the Ventica Analytics Software is available as a cloud service, it can also be installed on a local server.


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